EU - Mine Action MM 01 - Related Media *

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EU - Mine Action MM 01 *

Status: ongoing
Protection-driven Response to Humanitarian Crises in Rakhine and Kachin States.(Implementing Agency: Danish Demining Group)


Project Info

  • Beneficiary:
  • Lead Nation(s):
  • Executing Agent: Danish Demining Group


Data provided by EU

EU - Mine Action MM 01 - Related Files *

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NON-NATO projects in Myanmar

CH - MM 01 (SALW)

(Data provided by CH)
Type: Bilateral
Status: Finished More Info

EU - Action 03: iTrace

(Data provided by EU)
Type: Multilateral(IO)
Status: Active More Info

EU - Mine Action MM 02

(Data provided by EU)
Type: Multilateral(IO)
Status: Active More Info

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