OSCE (1102468) - Related Media *

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OSCE (1102468) *

Status: Ongoing
Strengthening OSCE Action against Illicit Proliferation of SALW and SCA - Phase 3. Objective: The project provides policy, technical advice, and support to OSCE pS, Secretariat, OSCE Institutions, and the FOs to better conceptualize, plan and implement their commitments against the illicit proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW), and Conventional Ammunition (CA). Duration: 1 Jan. 2023 – 31 Dec. 2025


Project Info

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Data provided by OSCE

OSCE (1102468) - Related Files *

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NON-NATO projects in Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

OSCE (1102439)

(Data provided by OSCE)
Type: Multilateral (Nations)
Status: Active More Info

More NATO projects in Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

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