OSCE (2600975) - Related Media *

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OSCE (2600975) *

Status: Ongoing
Assisting the National Authorities of the Republic of North Macedonia to Decrease the Risk of Weapon Proliferation and Misuse of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW). Objective: The overall objective is to support law enforcement sector in North Macedonia in developing a depoliticized, professional service capable of addressing trans-national threats and organized crime, in line with international democratic principles and human rights standards. The project objective is to reduce the risk of weapon proliferation and misuse of firearms in the Republic of North Macedonia through increasing the prevention, detection, analysis and investigative capacity of the MoIA and other Governmental Organisations. Duration: 1 May 2020 – 31 Dec. 2025


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Data provided by OSCE

OSCE (2600975) - Related Files *

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NON-NATO projects in North Macedonia

EU - Action 07: SEESAC

(Data provided by EU)
Type: Multilateral(IO)
Status: Active More Info

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