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Albania III

Destruction of 85,000 tonnes of surplus munitions over a 4 year period.Achievements:
  • Development and maintenance of the production lines including the Explosive Waste Incinerator. Enhancement of existing Mortar, Anti-Tank Mine and Small Arms Ammunition lines.
  • 12,000 tonnes (87M individual items) demilitarized since the project started in January 2011
  • 65,000 SALW demilitarised at Gramsh since February 2014.


Project Info

  • Beneficiary:
  • Lead Nation(s):
  • Status : Finished
  • Factsheet:


Destruction of SALW ammunition.
Completed in October 2014

Albania III - Related Files

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OSCE (2500598)

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Type: Multilateral (Nations)
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Project 'Albania'

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Project 'Albania II'

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