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Jordan III

Jordan III Trust Fund is a capacity building project to develop service women in Jordanian Armed Forces (JAF).

The project aims at supporting JAF to attain a 3% female officer representation and provide women with wider career op-portunities. The Trust Fund serves as a strong advocate to Mediterranean Dialogue (MD) partners and other regional actors developing servicewomen and their roles in peace and the security sector.

The JAF has developed a Military Women’s Strategy for 2006-2016 that aims to capacity-build through the recruitment and training of more women in JAF and subsequently creating wider employment and participation opportunities. The strategy aligns with NATO/EAPC policy for implement-ing UNSCR 1325 on Women, Peace and Security. Progress has been stalled by the limits of the training centre. The Jordan III Trust Fund will support JAF through three initiatives over a 54 month period:

  1. Supporting the Action Plan. The Trust Fund will support the Department of Military Womens’ Affairs in imple-menting the approved Action Plan. It has established a qualified and experienced part time NATO Gender Advisor to aid JAF in concepts and policies.

  2. Enhancing Training Centre Infrastructure. The Military Women’s Training Centre provides all women with training in core basic military skills and leadership. The current centre is in poor condition. Enhancements to the infrastructure will allow a 25% increased training throughput to 550 students yearly, with modernized instructional and teaching facilities and improved living standards.

  3. Enhancing Education and Training. Education and Training is the means to deliver and effect change. An analysis of JAF officers’ courses will be followed by the design and integration of amendments, commencing with gender awareness, into courses and programmes for both women and men officers. Appropriate new courses will be developed to support change and pro-mote wider regional cooperation.


Project Info

  • Beneficiary:
  • Lead Nation(s):
  • Executing Agent: NSPA
  • Status : Finished
  • Factsheet:


September 2019 - JAF delivered Gender Focal Point course
November 2019 - Completion of main works new center
December 2019 - Management of Training Courses
January 2020 - Completion of Parade Ground construction
February 2020 - Instructor Skills courses
February 2020 - Gender Conference in Amman
May 2020 - Completion of Kindergarten and Women's Clinic
June 2020 - Handover of centre for JAF operation

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